Friday 7 October 2011

American propaganda

Pakistan in a critical situation. Americans demanding to take action against the Haqani network while they are having [peace talk with them in Afghanistan. this is quiet a serious matter. some officials of america including their army head have passed really strong statements against Pakistan. they claimed that Pakistan intelligence agency ISI has a relation with the haqani network and they are supporting haqani network to kill american soldiers in Afghanistan. so there is a need to establish some relation with the other countries which can support Pakistan point of view. at present Pakistan is lonely and no one is ready to support or agree at Pakistan point of view. so work should be done on the foreign policies and Pakistan as a nation have to be united against this american propaganda.
Pakistan should now act bravely. Pakistanis politicians should negotiate with the Americans and tell them straight forward that this war had serious implications on Pakistan and its economy. about thirty five thousand people have lost their lives and about 70 billion dollars have been lost in this war and situation still getting worst. Americans should realize that power is not the solution. the solution to this problem is a political one. in past every war ended on the tables, so this war should be ended for the peace of the world.